men's shirts

The good shirt is an important part of the men's wardrobe. In addition to the current "van Laack" and Emanuel Berg collections in our shop, Prüssing & Köll offers you men's shirts in seasonally changing colours and, of course, as made-to-measure shirts in classic designs. Optimum wearing comfort and a perfect fit are the hallmarks of our shirts.

Herrenhemden bei P&K
Herrenhemd nach Maß

The right shirt for the right occasion

The choice of the "right" shirt depends on the occasion for which it is to be worn. There are the classic business shirts and sporty leisure shirts, but also tailcoats and tuxedo shirts. The different men's shirts differ above all in their different collar shapes. There is the moderate shark collar, the Kent collar, the tap collar, the button down or the stand-up collar.

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